Monday, November 3, 2014


Your Best You.  Life and Career coach Ia Jimenez.

On October 29, Ia Jimenez, a life and career coach, came to SUU to talk to the students about mental toughness, and being the best you.  The title of the presentation she gave was called "BREAKTHROUGH MINDSET: FOR PEAK PERFORMANCE AND TEAM UNITY.  It really was an excellent presentation about getting out of your own way.  So much of the time our biggest obstacle in greatness is ourselves.

The language that we use has power in our lives!  Whether it is inner language that we use with just ourselves, or outer language that we audibly speak, there is power that comes from the things that we say.  Think about the words that you use.  Are you constantly being negative, hurtful, or not very confident with the things that you say about yourself?  These words can bring you down, and eventually you will start to believe these things you are saying.  Even if you say it in a joking manner, your mind cant tell the difference and will believe.

Start to think about the words that you are using consciously.  When you are going through self-talk, pay attention to the words that you use.  Not very often do we actually pay attention to what we are telling ourselves.  You can start to get rid of mental blocks by paying attention to the damaging things that you say to yourself.  "If you have the same old thinking, you will have the same old results."  By changing how you think, you can change the results that you are having.

For more information on Your Best You visit

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