Thursday, November 13, 2014


Personal Belief: Notes from Your Best You.  Life and Career coach Ia Jimenez.

Do you know what you believe when it comes to yourself? Take a some time to look at what you believe about yourself.  What do you believe about your abilities, social skills, work ethic, etc.  A lot of times we believe things about ourselves that aren't true.  Think about when you messed up one time on an assignment.  You tell yourself, "I'm so dumb, and always miss little details."  Eventually you start to believe that you are that way, wehn in reality, you've done it only a few times.  It is not the pattern of your behavior, but an incident.  Believing the exceptions as complete truths will tear you down.  

If these beliefs aren't where you want them to be, start to change your expectations.  We have thoughts about ourselves, and the moment that we agree with these thoughts, they become our beliefs.  If you say, "I'm no good at ...." and you agree that it's the truth, it becomes your belief about yourself. "Your thoughts + your agreement = Your Beliefs.  Start to see things as they really are, and dont punish yourself.  Knowing your beliefs allows you to accept good and reject the bad.

By doing these things, you can now start to perform at your best.  Your own mind wont prevent you from being great.  It wont be easy, and it might take some time to change your thoughts and beliefs; however, it will produce great results.

For more information on Your Best You visit

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