Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Recognizing Growth Patterns (A Way To Endure Through Hard Times)

When you start something new (job, level of work/competition, etc.), there can be feelings of inadequacy.  Feelings that you aren't the same person, or that you cant perform at that level seem to creep in.  By understanding and recognizing why these feelings happen, you can reduce stress and anxiety.  It will allow you to keep on pushing through hard times.  This cycle I put together is what happens when you get to the new level (Starting with the top left).

As you can see, you to a new level, and things get hard.  There are many little changes that can get overwhelming, but they just show you where you are falling short.  This is when the mental pain happens.  But if you keep pushing through, soon you will become competent.  You can keep up with those around you.  Then finally, you become the top of your field again. This is when you start to feel good about yourself.  However, it is also the time when you need to move on, and the cycle starts all over again. 

There is one last part that must be understood.  At first when thinking about he cycle I got bothered.  I would think, "Why would I want to move on if I am doing well where I am?"  The important part is to take the 3rd dimension into account.  This isn't just a cycle, it is more like a spiral like the picture below.  If you look down on it from above it looks like a continuous circle that never ends, but if you take a step back, you can see that there is a vertical aspect. The vertical length represents personal growth.  As you go through the cycle, you are growing and becoming more capable.  There is a lot of growth and it is hard at times to see that in ourselves.

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